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Learn About Microscope Objective Lens Types 04 14,2023 Microscopes are essential tools that are widely used in scientific research, medical diagnosis, and education. These instruments magnify objects that are too small for the human eye to see, making the...
Performance of Telecentric Illumination in Different Applications 04 19,2023 Telecentric illumination is a lighting technique that is becoming increasingly popular in various applications. It is known for its ability to produce uniform lighting and reduce distortion, making it...
How Telecentric Illumination Improves Measurement Accuracy in Metrology? 05 01,2023 Measurement accuracy is an essential aspect of metrology. Traditional illumination techniques in metrology such as diffuse illumination and coaxial illumination can lead to measurement errors. Telecen...
Key Specifications of Machine Vision Optics 05 10,2023 Machine vision optics are a vital component of a machine vision system that captures images of products or parts for analysis. They are responsible for focusing the light onto the camera sensor and co...